Growing up, Beth was the one who raised her hand first, took the lead on group projects, and signed up to help with extracurricular events. In that sense, she’s very much the same today. Beth furthers the excellence-based culture of Exceptional Leaders by managing administrative and business operations, contributing to content development and design, and eagerly raising her hand to volunteer for anything else that needs to get done. 

Beth has worked in leader development for more than 20 years, with projects ranging from one-on-one personal growth to conferences attended by tens of thousands of leaders. It lights her up to see people become aware of their boundless capacity and potential, and to watch them grow and give the world what they are uniquely designed to give. A graduate of the Georgia Institute of Technology, she intermingles the mind of an engineer with the heart of a coach and enthusiastic cheerleader. 

In addition to her work with Exceptional Leaders, she’s a regular volunteer in her kids’ school and her family’s church. She loves to learn new skills and information, geek out on all things space and science, prepare and eat and delicious food, explore the outdoors, and laugh with her best friend/husband and two funny kids.